Saturday, 30 November 2013

Create you own android app free

Many people have asked me how to make their own android app so here is the tutorials.

Hi people out there today i am going to give you the most simple trick to make your own android app for your website , blog or anything, so that people can also browse your site easily by their android mobile phones.

First go to the following website and click create now - Link
And click Create now as in image below -

After that select the option you will prefer , suppose you want to make an android app for your website then you should click on the link that says website , if you want to make an android app for and pdf document then you should select the second option , and so on the third option.

If you wanna create an android app for your website click website , and a form like this will appear.

Fill out the form .
Give the link of the website that you want to create app for
Give the name of the app like 'cyber tycoon'.
Add a description for your website in the description box .
Chose  a custom icon if you want so.
now choose the category as blog don't change it otherwise your all will not work.

After clicking create app you will get  a form like this

Just fill up the form and click sign up and your account will be created .

And now you will be redirected to the download page of your app .
Now download the app and  upload it in and site that you would like  your fans to download from like , mediafire,4shared,google play,4mobile and much more.

If you want me to give you an tutorial on how to make an android game then comment below.